Event Gallery
The Portrait Society of Atlanta 2020 FALL Juried Exhibition was online only. Juried by the...
One benefit of membership in the Portrait Society of Atlanta is the ability to submit...
PSA member Chris diDomizio was the guest speaker at the March 25th, 2021 (ZOOM only)...
The Portrait Society of Atlanta announces the Spring 2021 Members Only Juried Exhibition award winners. We...
Achieving a 40th Anniversary is a big event. To mark the occasion, the Portrait Society...
The Tuesday, January 28, 2020, meeting featured a presentation by Mary Villon de Benveniste. Mary...
In September 2019, Louis Carr taught a three-day workshop for the Portrait Society of Atlanta...
The Tuesday, September 24, 2019, meeting featured an alla prima portrait demonstration by artist Louis...
April 2020 Because PSA meetings and events have been cancelled this spring, and we’ve all had...
May 2019 member meeting at the Heritage Center in Sandy Springs. Four of the Portrait...
The Portrait Society of Atlanta hosted our first ever ZOOM meeting on September 22, 2020. During this meeting...
Mike Wimmer, portrait artist, illustrator, and Professor of Illustration at Savannah College of Art and...
PSA member Mike Wimmer was our guest speaker for the January, 2021, ZOOM meeting. Mike...
In a fast-paced three hour timespan, artists Kevin Chambers, Suzy Shultz, and Basil Watson sculpted and...