May 11-15, 2020 Workshop CANCELLED
May 11-15, 2020 – 5 Day Workshop with Rob Liberace
Location: Kudzu Art Center, Norcross, GA
Rob is known for his inspiring and informative teaching style. He teaches at The Art League of Virginia and holds workshops throughout the U.S. and abroad. He regularly tours students through the great museums of Europe, garnering from his extensive knowledge of the old European masters and is a visiting instructor at The National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, demonstrating old masters’ techniques. Rob also teaches and demos regularly for The American Portrait Society. For American Artist Magazine, he was asked to pioneer one of their first online teaching courses and taught regularly at their “Weekend with the Masters” workshops. Responding to the growing need for classical art instruction on those unable to travel, Liberace Studio has produced a series of tutorial dvds in which Rob demonstrates his techniques focusing on figure, portrait and anatomy. He has written articles on technique for both American Artist and The Artist’s magazines.
To All of our PSA Members & Friends:
I would like to share my experience at Rob Liberace workshop at Scottsdale Artist School this past week.
This was a delightful fun filled workshop where we did figure sketches in charcoal and red chalk for two days, followed by three days of painting portraits in oils. Rob was right there with us encouraging each of us to maximize our skills. He was so enthusiastic about getting us to grow as artists and enjoy the process. All of us totally loved the process and all of us significantly improved over the week. Rob’s boundless energy was contagious and none of us wanted to quit drawing or painting when the session was over. Rob’s teaching and demos were done so well, we all understood what was necessary to create good form.
At the end of the workshop, Rob gave us an unexpected treat. He gave away two demos, one oil portrait and a red chalk drawing. We drew numbers from a hat to see who won these prizes. I am so happy I got the red chalk drawing which I am attaching. Rob was so generous throughout the workshop with his talent and time, we all felt honored to be with him. It was a gift to all of us.
I would like to encourage any of you who would like to expand your portrait painting skills to take our workshop with Rob, May 11-15, at the Kudzu Art Zone in Norcross. Sign up on our webpage. You too might be a winner of a beautiful piece of artwork by Robert Liberace.
Diana Dee Sarkar, PSA Workshop Chair
Painting Portraits with Robert Liberace is May 11-15, 2020. The cost is $955 for Portrait Society of Atlanta members and $985 for non-members. Class enrollment is limited to 16.
After 16 artists have paid in full for the workshop, registration will be closed but a waiting list will be available. If you have to cancel, there are no refunds unless you find a replacement or we have someone on the waiting list to fill your spot, then you will be refunded, less processing fees.
If you choose to mail a check, make out to Portrait Society of Atlanta and mail to: Peggy J Sullens, 4929 Elizabeth Way NW, Lilburn, GA 30047. Please call Diana to let her know you are mailing a check. You want be on the list until the check is received.
If you have any questions regarding this workshop, please call Diana Sarkar, 865-603-4465.
Supply list for the ROB LIBERACE workshop
Lodging & Restaurants Close to Kudzu Art Zone