May Challenge – Use a three-color palette
The challenge for the May 21 Portrait Society of Atlanta Zoom gathering is to use only three colors, plus white, to do a painting of a person. The choice of colors is up to you. A red, a yellow, and a blue might allow you to mix a fairly wide range of colors. You could try using the “Zorn palette” colors: yellow ochre, ivory black, and vermilion (or equivalent). You might opt to use muted colors or experiment with a triadic gamut. You might find it helpful to create a color chart using your chosen paints to preview the colors you get from various mixtures.
To share your work during the next meeting, email a picture of it to by noon on Tuesday, May 21. As usual, you do not need to do the challenge to join and take part in the meeting, which will start at 7 p.m. The Zoom link for the meeting is as follows:
Meeting ID: 813 4291 4104
Passcode: 937104
One tap mobile
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