Portrait Society of Atlanta Spring 2021- Members Only Exhibit

The Portrait Society of Atlanta 2021 Spring Exhibition Members Only Exhibition 

The Portrait Society of Atlanta 2021 SPRING Juried Exhibition will be held at the Mable House Arts Center, Mableton, GA. This competition will be juried by the nationally recognized artist, Grace DeVito, and is open to PSA members only with eligible work. The deadline for submitting work is February 25, 2021. Please see the prospectus for the full details.


Entry Deadline: February 25, 2021 EXTENDED TO: February 28, 2021
Notification: March 23, 2021
Delivery of Art: Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 10:00am – 1:00pm
Opening Reception: There will be no opening reception for this show due to COVID-19 safety precautions.
Show runs: April 15 to May 21, 2021
Gallery hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Call for evening, weekend & seasonal hours 770-819-3285
Removal: Monday, May 24, 2021, 10:00am – 1:00pm
This exhibition is electronic submission only.


Grace DeVito has spent her life immersed in the art of painting. Her representational realist skills are equally adept at portraiture, figurative, and still life genres. The love of light and form imbue her work with beauty and timelessness, elevating even the humblest of subjects, bearing witness to the beauty of the world. Grace focuses her interest on the natural world. It is her desire to explore nature and present it to the viewer as a conduit for contemplative reflection.

A native of Connecticut, Grace studied at The School of Visual Arts in New York City, majoring in Illustration. After a decade of working for such clients as The United Nations, Sony, and Pepsico, she left the commercial art field to pursue fine art painting. She studied portraiture with Laurel Stern Boeck and honed her painting skills in workshops with many of today’s celebrated artists. Grace has completed portraits for such clients as Villanova University, The City of Cambridge MA, Univ of North Carolina, and The University Hospitals of Case Western Reserve and her paintings are in many private homes. Her Still Life’s and Figures are sought after by discerning collectors.

Grace was included in The Grand Central Atelier’s first Still Life Competition in 2014 and in the Inspiring Figures Show at The Butler Institute Of American Art, Youngstown OH. She is the recipient of many awards including the Portrait Society of America’s First place Still Life and first place Commissioned Portraits, Members Only Competition. She received The Award of Excellence for Realism at The Oil Painters of America’s Eastern Regional Exhibition as well as numerous Still Life awards, The 2018 Joseph Hartley Award, The David Leffel Award For Excellence in Painting, Best in Show as well as 3rd Place, and the 6th Annual Plein Air Competition Best Floral in Studio Oct/Nov 2016.

Grace makes her home and studio in Stamford CT.  (For more information on our juror, visit: www.gracedevito.com)


• Entrants may submit up to three (3) entries. • Entries must be original, 2-dimensional fine art portraiture.

• No prints, copies or student/class work are permitted. • No photography or paintings-over-photographs. • No nudes. • Portraits must contain a human person, and at least an ear, eye or nose. Pets are acceptable only when accompanying a human. • Entries must not have been exhibited in a PSA exhibition in the last 2 years, ever won first place in any previous PSA exhibition, or been displayed in more than 2 prior PSA exhibitions. There is no age limit on when works were created.

• Size, including frame, of two-dimensional work must be at least 8.5” x 11”, and may not exceed 5′ x 5′.

• All paintings must be ready for hanging, with wire in place, in an appropriate gallery frame. Wiring should not extend above the top of the frame. No “clip-on” frames will be accepted. For matted works, we strongly encourage the use of white or off white top matting. No sawtooth hangers will be accepted.

• Accepted works need to include identification on a 3”x 5” card on the back, stating Title, Artist’s Name, Medium, Size, Email Address, Cell Phone number, and Price, if for sale. If the artwork is Not for Sale (NFS), then state this along with the declared value.

• Works submitted to any PSA show MUST be displayed for the duration of the show – No substitutes and no early removal. Please inform your client of the dates for which a borrowed work will be on view.

• Any artist who is unable to provide a painting that has been juried into a show will be penalized by not being able to enter the next exhibition.

• Finalists must make their own arrangements for hand-delivery and hand-pickup of their work to and from the Exhibition location. NO entries may be shipped to the venue or to the PSA.

ARTIST ELIGIBILITY • This Exhibition is open to PSA members only. • Entry fee is $35 for current PSA members.

• Exhibiting Juried Members and higher are permitted to display business cards and information during this show if space is provided. (For membership application, go to www.PortraitSocietyofAtlanta.org/membership-application)

PLEASE NOTE: The PSA exhibition committee reserves the right to decline artworks that do not fall within the field of portraiture, or are deemed inappropriate viewing for children. Entries that do not adhere to the guidelines will not be judged. At delivery, any work that varies from the submitted images will be disqualified.

DELIVERY AND DISPLAY • All works must be delivered and picked up, either by the artist or authorized representative, within stated times at Mable House Arts Center • Delivery: Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 10:00am-1:00pm only • Removal: Monday, May 24, 2021, 10:00am-1:00pm only. • Please note: Without exceptions, artists are responsible for making delivery & pickup arrangements for their work.

PSA ACCREDITATION • This exhibition qualifies for PSA status credit. Only members’ works not previously juried into a PSA exhibit will receive accreditation points toward membership status.

INSURANCE • The artist is responsible for any insurance on his/her work during transit and exhibition. The PSA does not provide additional insurance and is not responsible for possible loss or damage to works. • By entering, artists agree to not hold the PSA liable for any loss or damage. • Mable House Arts Center has a security system, but insurance of any works of art while in the possession of Mable House Arts Center rests solely with the artist. Neither The Mable House Arts Center, nor Cobb County PARKS, nor Cobb County Board of Commissioners nor anyone associated with Mable House Arts Center will be held responsible for lost or damaged artworks. The artist is responsible for any insurance on his/her work during transit and exhibition. While utmost care is given to all entries, The Mable House Arts Center and Cobb County PARKS do not assume any liability for damage or loss, before, during or after exhibition.

SALES • Works do not have to be for sale.  Your price, or NFS, must be included with your entry. • Mable House Arts Center is a facility of Cobb County Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department and shall retain 30% of any sales made from the exhibition. The artist will receive 70% of the sale price (set by the artist). The price submitted in the entry will be the price represented throughout the duration of the show. Changes are unacceptable. Sales tax will be added at the point of sale. In the event of a sale, the artist must complete a W-9 and complete the Cobb County Vendor Enrollment process (unless already on file) prior to payment being made for sale(s).

RIGHTS • The PSA and Mable House Arts Center  reserve the right to photograph and retain images of the exhibit solely for educational, promotional, and documentation purposes in print or on the internet. By entering the exhibition, you agree to all conditions herein.

ENTRY FILE PREPARATION: • Save and enter image file in JPG (JPEG) format. • Size image so the largest dimension is no more than 2000 pixels, either side. (Do NOT include your frame in image) • Very Important: Name your image file with dashes as follows: LastName-FirstInitial-Title-of-Artwork.jpg Example: Sargent-J-Lady-Agnew.jpg, entries that are not properly named may be excluded from judging • Enter using the link below by February 25, 2021.

QUESTIONS: Holly Henson at 678.733.3290 or holly_henson2004@yahoo.com

TECHNICAL PROBLEMS: Donna Leonard at 770.630.5820 or donnaleonard@bellsouth.net


PSA SPRING 2021 Members Only Exhibition

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Mar 11 2025


The Portrait Society of Atlanta

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