NC Wyeth painting of Farmer and pig

December Challenge – Portrait In the Environment

The next PSA chat and challenge will be Wednesday, December 4, starting at 7 p.m.

The challenge is to do a portrait of a person interacting with their environment in some way. They might be at work, involved in a daily activity, enjoying a hobby, sharing time with a pet, or otherwise doing something that gives a sense of their interests or personality. N.C. Wyeth, for example, portrayed a jolly farmer and his pig outside of a barn. In contrast, Grant Wood depicted a more stoic farm couple in “American Gothic.”

If you do the challenge, please submit a good quality image of your work to by noon on December 4. As always, members are welcome to join the meeting whether or not they submit a work for the challenge.

Here is the Zoom link for the October 24 meeting: 

Meeting ID: 833 5864 3667
Passcode: 151591
Find your local number

One tap mobile:
+13052241968,,83358643667#,,,,151591# US
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Dec 04 2024


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm



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