45th Anniversary Celebration Banquet
Marking our 45th year of celebrating and promoting portraiture.
Registration dedline extended to: October 26th
You are cordially invited to join us to celebrate our 45th Anniversary as the Portrait Society of Atlanta honors the members and artists who have been a part of the journey.
Social hour with live music and hors d’oeuvres begins at 6:00 pm, to be followed by a seated banquet, our guest keynote speaker, and other presentations.
We are honored to welcome Michael Shane Neal as our special guest and keynote speaker. A highly-acclaimed artist, Mr. Neal is a longtime friend of the Portrait Society of Atlanta and currently serves as Chairman of the Portrait Society of America.
The Portrait Society of Atlanta sincerely appreciates our event sponsors:
Attire: Business Formal
Questions: Donna Garrison 770-630-5820
Location: The Terrace Meeting Room at City Springs (Sandy Springs City Hall)
Address: City Springs • 1 Galambos Way • Sandy Springs, GA 30328
Direction: If you park in the parking deck, PSA will provide parking passes at the event.