April 29 Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, April 29 at 7pm
The April 29 meeting will be a critique by Luana Luconi Winner. This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom rather than in person. Members who would like to have one of their paintings or drawings critiqued should submit a high-quality image to portraitsocietyofatlanta@gmail.com before April 25. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. (Eastern).
About Luana: Luana Luconi Winner is a founding member of the Portrait Society of America, an elected Master Circle member of the International Association of Pastel Societies, a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America, a lifetime member of the Pastel Society of North Carolina, an active member of several art boards and art organizations.
Meeting ID: 890 2172 0677
Passcode: 874421